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29.734 Reacties op “Heb jij een link?

  1. Treowd

    november 10, 2017 at 8:36 pm

    Conspiracy Theory Now Conspiracy Fact, as Congress Holds Hearings on Weather Manipulation

    Washington, D.C. – Geoengineering is finally going mainstream as the U.S. House Subcommittee on Environment and Subcommittee on Energy Hearing, on Wednesday, held the first House hearing about the science that until now has generally been considered a “conspiracy theory” etc.


  2. Treowd

    november 10, 2017 at 8:41 pm

    Saudi Arabia. Arrest The Usual Princes!

    What’s going on in Saudi Arabia? Over 200 bigwigs detained and billions of ‘illegal profits’ of some $800 billion confiscated.

    The kingdom is in an uproar. The Saudi regime of King Salman and his ambitious 32-year old son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, claim it was all part of an ‘anti-corruption’ drive that has Washington’s full backing.

    Utter nonsense. I’ve done business in Saudi Arabia since 1976 and can attest that the entire kingdom with its thousands of pampered princes and princesses is one vast swamp of corruption


  3. Treowd

    november 10, 2017 at 9:52 pm

    Liz Crokin On Weinstein & How Satanic Paedophile Rings Have Operated in Hollywood & D.C. For Years.”


  4. Treowd

    november 10, 2017 at 9:55 pm

    Is The UK Family Court System Stealing Children? Ian Josephs Debates Solicitor Sarah Clubley.


  5. Treowd

    november 10, 2017 at 10:06 pm

    Corey Feldman heeft de naam uitgesproken van zijn misbruiker in een t.v. show van dr.Oz , overigens zou hij meerdere namen gaan noemen dus dat is afwachten het kan alle kanten uit…
    Het geeft een beetje een gespeelde indruk op het eerste zicht maar mogelijk volgen er berichten dat het om een ware aangifte gaat en die ook werkelijk gedaan wordt na de show en of er nog meer op kan / gaat volgen.

    Corey Feldman Reveals His Alleged Abuser’s Name


    • Treowd

      november 10, 2017 at 10:14 pm

      De volledige show van Corey Feldman bij dr.Oz snel kijken of desnoods meteen downloaden gewenst men zal mogelijk wel weer snel met infiringments op copyrights gaan censureren..


  6. yvonne

    november 11, 2017 at 1:15 am

    Dijsselbloem Admits “We Used Taxpayers’ Money To Bailout The Banks”

    Martin have you heard about what is going on over at 4chan with Q? He or she is a high lvl source in the Whitehouse giving out breadcrumb clues on what is really going on with everything. If this person Q is legit a lot of corrupt people will be getting arrested soon


  7. yvonne

    november 11, 2017 at 1:18 am

    POL/- Q Clearance Anon – Is it #happening???

    ze heeft nog 5 videoos, over de zogenaamde broodkruimels
    Gaat ook over wat er gebeurt in saoedie arabie en project snow white


  8. yvonne

    november 11, 2017 at 1:19 am

    POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART II


  9. yvonne

    november 11, 2017 at 1:21 am

    According to a new report by Middle East Eye, Prince Bandar bin Sultan – Saudi Arabia’s most famous arms dealer, longtime former ambassador to the US, and recent head of Saudi intelligence – was among those detained as part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s (MBS) so-called “corruption purge” that started with the initial arrests of up to a dozen princes and other top officials last weekend.

    If confirmed, the arrest and detention of Bandar would constitute the most significant and high profile figure caught up in the purge – even above that of high profile billionaire investor Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal – given Bandar’s closeness to multiple US administrations and involvement in events ranging from Reagan’s Nicaraguan Contra program (including direct involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal), to making the case for the Iraq War as a trusted friend of Bush and Cheney, to directing US-Saudi covert operations overseeing the arming of jihadists in Syria.


  10. yvonne

    november 11, 2017 at 1:24 am

    Intriguingly, Moore then told Hannity that they “have some evidence of collusion” but are not ready to release that to the public just yet…


  11. yvonne

    november 11, 2017 at 5:43 pm

    POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening?
    4chan heeft allerlei vragen neergezet, een soort van broodkruimels
    Een puzzel.
    En speciaal voor de patrot?
    Komt dit van een insider uit het witte huis?

    daar komen namen in voor zoals snow white… 7 dwergen…alice EN wonderland
    Enz enz.

    Deze video verteld iets meer

    SNOW WHITE & The Cia Connection


  12. yvonne

    november 11, 2017 at 5:44 pm

    LANGLEY, Va. — In this still very dangerous and uncertain world of ours, does it make you feel more comfortable to know that the seven huge, super-secret, global intelligence computer databases deep inside Central Intelligence Agency headquarters here are named Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Sleepy, Happy, Bashful and Sneezy?

    Yes, the CIA has indeed named its huge computers after the Seven Dwarfs — and for all I know has a slinky blond in its cloak-and-dagger Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.


  13. yvonne

    november 11, 2017 at 6:22 pm

    Charlotte Police Arrest Air Traffic Controller With major type weapon

    Yep, false flag, again.


  14. yvonne

    november 11, 2017 at 6:29 pm

    BUSTED: WaPo Failed To Disclose Roy Moore Accuser Worked As Sign Language Interpreter For Hillary & Biden — Openly Supports Doug Jones

    At the time of publication, both posts on Jones and Moore were deleted from her page.

    As The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft previously reported, the Washington Post accused Judge Moore of dating a 14 year-old girl in 1979.

    Judge Moore has denied the charges.

    On Thursday a top Alabama political activist wrote The Gateway Pundit with this: “I think it’s total malarkey! The opposition, McConnell included, will do anything to keep him out!”

    Judge Roy Moore
    The Obama-Clinton Machine’s liberal media lapdogs just launched the most vicious and nasty round of attacks against me I’ve EVER faced!
    We are are in the midst of a spiritual battle with those who want to silence our message

    The forces of evil will lie, cheat, steal –– even inflict physical harm –– if they believe it will silence and shut up Christian conservatives like you and me


  15. yvonne

    november 11, 2017 at 6:34 pm

    What..? Wait.., but it’s global warming…

    It is global warming, I mean climate change, I mean…
    Well, it doesn’t really matter
    .The ONLY possible solution is bigger and bigger government, more and more regulations and higher and higher taxes



  16. yvonne

    november 12, 2017 at 4:57 pm

    This Congressional Hearing Will Blow You Away!! They Just Proved “THIS” Major Conspiracy As FACT

    No one thinks of the lack of vitamin D when reflecting the sun back? Unbelievable. Chemtrails are the reason I was told I was “dangerously” depleted on vitamin D. Nothing about chemtrails is better for human beings and all life forms, including the trees

    It’s crazy they’re literally playing God. Keep praying everyone. I also read HAARP could change hurricanes or get rid of them.

    I live in a small, remote area in Northern Wisconsin and don’t have ANY of the problems of a big city as our city has only 1,500 people. I thought this was the safest place to live and then one day while going out fishing I looked up in the sky and couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the sky being chemtrailed up HERE!! I took a picture so I could show others that it’s happening here and NOW!! I am % convinced that no place is safe anymore


  17. yvonne

    november 12, 2017 at 4:59 pm

    They’re Shutting Down Podesta!!!

    Re judge moore. i took part in a vote whether he should step down or not. Results. 93% No n 7% yes
    Great results. its a set up folks. if u havent heard, the accuser is a Killary supporter. ENOUGH said


  18. yvonne

    november 12, 2017 at 5:09 pm

    Scientific Paper Exposes Depopulation Chemicals In Common Vaccines

    Also the Hepatitis vaccines contain alot of aluminium.

    Bingo! Again I can count on your great job of finding the truth! they shut that link down. Which is always a thumbs up for the truth when they take down the proof.

    You are absolutely right. The video is 3 years old and speaks about this in detail! Please watch


  19. yvonne

    november 12, 2017 at 5:13 pm

    You are absolutely right. The video is 3 years old and speaks about this in detail! Please watch

    Gepubliceerd op 9 nov. 2014

    A pro-vaccine organization in Kenya associated with the Catholic Church warns that tetanus vaccines given to millions of young women there are being secretly spiked with a sterilization chemical that causes a woman’s body to attack and kill her own unborn baby.

    Excellent video. I am totally against mandatory vaccination. There is no safe vaccine. All vaccines weaken the immune system and decrease it’s ability to fight infections. Vaccines have been known to kill people. 3 billion has been paid out to vaccine-injured families for their injuries & deaths.

    Outrageous! The pharma industry has been doing this for decades with different products. They first tried the contraceptive pill on women in Puerto Rico because our mothers were “uneducated and highly sexual”. I guess they figured that is some of them died it was just collateral damage!


    Bill Gates kids should all be forced to take this vaccine.


  20. yvonne

    november 12, 2017 at 5:27 pm

    How to naturally detox from mandatory vaccine injections

    opted out for fake religious reasons when my daughter started kindergarten and was forced to get 5 shots, FIVE in one day, including the combo’s. She developed tourettes syndrome like symptoms for a year and a half. It’s always so hard to deal with the judgement of the medical society and others who are not informed. Vaccines are brain toxic, and when they take one poison stabilizer out, they just put another one of a different name in. People don’t believe the autism link, but if it happened to your perfectly normal 18 month old baby, you may just change your mind. It’s not fare to pressure people into harming their children with the falsehood of establishing good health. Horrible and inhumane.

    My child is autistic. She’s had all her vaccines. I feel guilty.

    And people think I’m crazy when I say why are so many children having autism, neurological disorders etc and when I say it’s from the vaccines they look at me like I’m nuts …


  21. yvonne

    november 12, 2017 at 5:41 pm

    Looks like sitcom star may have major news this week about pedophiles in hollywood

    Ya on Twitter, Roseanne is fantastic – she never really was a lib.

    that’s how you get the elite down, expose them for their pe’do crimes, Holywood, DC and NY is full of them. what happened to all the recordings that Je’ffrey eps’tein had on all the child activities on his Lolita island in the Caribbean. bill Clinton’s was tied heavily to this guy filthy happets, and all this evidence on had the fbi still don’t take this kidn’apping ring down that bill is involved in. Jeffrey sessions needs to man up and do the right thing here, if not, he is just as guilty as he helped them get away with it and not look8ng into it.


  22. yvonne

    november 12, 2017 at 5:45 pm

    Plague Fears Grow As New Virus With No Cure Appears

    Fear porn. Not worried about the plague.

    The plague came from the gates Foundation

    Plague is bacterial not viral

    Een paar jaar terug
    Engeland brak graven open voor onderzoek naar de pest?????????


  23. yvonne

    november 13, 2017 at 4:10 am

    List Of Corey Feldman’s Hollywood Predators Leaked Online


  24. yvonne

    november 13, 2017 at 4:27 am

    Hollywood’s Harassment List


  25. yvonne

    november 13, 2017 at 4:37 am

    Charlie Sheen accused of sexually assaulting Corey Haim-Stand By Me-Cowboy Theme


  26. yvonne

    november 13, 2017 at 4:41 am




  27. Treowd

    november 13, 2017 at 2:05 pm

    Het wordt tijd om de dogmatiek uit de wetenschap te halen , bekijk de video op de website..


  28. yvonne

    november 13, 2017 at 4:07 pm

    Tienduizenden boze Italianen gingen afgelopen zaterdag in Rome de straat op om te demonstreren tegen de EU, die volgens hen Italië in een knellende houdgreep houdt. Het aantal demonstranten verraste


  29. yvonne

    november 13, 2017 at 4:14 pm

    Alabama Republican Roy Moore is setting up to hit the Washington Post with a lawsuit over the allegations that he had sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl while Moore was in his 30’s.

    According to AP, Moore told his supporters in Huntsville, Alabama on Sunday that the WaPo story was “fake news” and “a desperate attempt to stop my political campaign.”

    Moore added that the newspaper “will be sued,” a declaration that received applause from the crowd


  30. Madeloes

    november 13, 2017 at 4:48 pm

  31. Madeloes

    november 13, 2017 at 5:04 pm

  32. yvonne

    november 13, 2017 at 7:43 pm

    Judge Roy Moore Defends Himself in Alabama, Press and Audience applaud on his point of defense


  33. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 3:37 pm

    NOS Teletekst 107

    Ollongren:Russisch nepnieuws gevaar

    Vooral vanuit Rusland wordt met
    nepnieuws geprobeerd de Nederlandse
    publieke opinie te beïnvloeden,schrijft
    minister Ollongren van Binnenlandse
    Zaken aan de Tweede Kamer.”Nederland
    staat in het vizier van onder meer de
    Russische inlichtingendiensten.”

    Ollongren noemt de verspreiding van
    nepnieuws een gevaar voor Nederland.
    Ze wil om de tafel met technologie- en
    mediabedrijven om dit soort praktijken
    tegen te gaan.

    Ollongren refereert onder meer aan een
    Russische site met desinformatie over
    de ramp met de MH17,die de indruk wekte
    een officiële Nederlandse site te zijn.

    Ollongren is zelf het gevaar van nederland is PRO ISLAM
    Nos bediend zich weer van de oude leugens.
    En ze proberen pieter omzigt uit te schakelen

    Hier het hele verhaal MH17, met de getuigen erbij?


  34. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 3:42 pm

    Breaking: Attorney General Jeff Sessions has directed senior federal prosecutors to investigate the Clinton Foundation

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions has directed senior federal prosecutors to evaluate whether a special counsel should be appointed to investigate concerns raised by Republicans, including alleged unlawful dealings by Clinton Foundation and the sale of a uranium company.


  35. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 3:45 pm

    President Trump just hinted at something YUGE upon his return to the White House!

    Donald J. Trump
    ‎@real DonaldTrump

    I will be making a major statement from the @ WhiteHouse
    upon my return to D.C. Time and date to be set.

    7:23 AM – Nov 14, 2017


  36. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 3:55 pm

    BREAKING! Roy Moore Accuser’s Evidence Could Be Fake

    All of the people involved in this fraud need to be brought into a court of law and sentenced to prison. Enough of this.

    Yearbooks come out at the end of the school year and are feverishly signed for a week then put on a shelf and rarely looked at again. NOT AT CHRISTMAS

    Forgery is a crime. Hold their feet to the fire Judge Moore!

    So she Lied about him signing her Fake year book … can you sign a yearbook in December ….it is called a Yearbook for a reason …it contains the School years going ons …..
    So who else signed her year book …and in what year did they sign it ??

    It’s amazing what the LIBS/DEMS/Progressives will do to keep the republicans from getting this senate seat. It’s everything folks if they stop the Republicans from getting this seat they stop the Trump Agenda. It all boils down to this seat

    they are globalists, not the Republicans of Lincoln and Reagan and Trump.

    Also being reported that the cafe she worked at was never called “Olde Hickory House” back then.
    And Moore was not a DA back then, he was a DDA. In 1977, he was a brand new law school grad, hired as a Deputy DA and probably glad to get the job!

    De handtekening klopt niet, die roy moore in een jaar boek gezet zou hebben met kerstmis.
    De geen die hem beschuldigen (als 14 jarige?)
    Dame komt 40 jaar later pas naar buiten , nu het om een belangrijke zetel gaat?
    Daarvoor heeft moore al 7x andere verkiezingen gehad en gewonnen en toen waren er geen aanklachten?

    Al de rinoos kwamen meteen met dat moore moest verdwijnen?
    Maar moore schijnt bewijs te hebben en dat zullen leuke aanklachten worden tegen Jeff bezos van washington post en amazon eigenaar


  37. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 4:05 pm

    can now be reported that actor Kevin Spacey, Bryan Singer and German spy and pedophile former CIA Director George

    lees verder


  38. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 4:14 pm

    Look who the White House wanted to replace Roy Moore with!

    De aanval op roy moore?
    het schijnt dat de trump administratie jeff session wil vervangen door roy moore, en jeff session kan dan zijn eigen oude plek terug krijgen.
    De plek waarvoor roy moore nu bezig is en nog hoger in de polls staat om te winnen.

    Omdat session weigert de Clintons aan te pakken.
    Opvallend is dat sessions nu ineens WEL met een speciale aanklager komt voor de uraniumdeal?
    link zet ik net hierboven neer.

    Mitt romney.. jeb bush en graham (vriendje van MCAIN) en Mcain en mconnel allemaal rinoos republikein alleen in naam, maar vriendjes van de deepstate, kwamen allemaal al naar buiten om moore te bewegen om op te stappen. (dat gebeurt niet)


  39. Treowd

    november 14, 2017 at 6:37 pm

    Youtube censureert links en rechts van allerlei kanalen omdat het buiten het mainstream paradigma valt, dat terwijl de bewijzen voor oprechte nieuwsgaring aanwezig zijn…


  40. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 7:07 pm

    Justice Roy Moore Sues WAPO


  41. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 7:20 pm

    They are all a lie


  42. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 7:29 pm

    BREAKING: Soros Is Begging Congress For A Break!

    After transferring over the bulk of his personal wealth to his “Open Society” Foundation – the umbrella organization for a network of dozens of political groups that push Soros’s far-left agenda across the US and Europe, Soros is still comfortable enough to justify giving away even more of his money – this time to the US federal government.

    Taking a page out of Warren Buffett’s book, Soros and a group of some 400 other rich Americans – including doctors, lawyers and CEOs – are sending a formal letter to Congress chiding lawmakers for trying to reduce taxes on the richest American families at a time when wealth inequality is rapidly expanding. Instead, the letter asks Congress not to pass any tax bill that “further exacerbates inequality” and adds to the debt (both of the current Republican plans would add $1.5 trillion to the debt over 10 years).


  43. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 7:31 pm

    The Clintons started fake Trump/Russia collusion rumors, instead, it exposed her own collusion with Russia


  44. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 7:33 pm

    Breaking!!! Well, Well, Well, Look Who Just Defended Pedophilia!!

    Millionaire Author John Grisham claims not all men who watch child porn are pedophiles. reported: Crime writer John Grisham has said America is unjustly jailing too many citizens for viewing child pornography. In an interview with The Telegraph, Grisham, who earned $17 million last year and tied for 6th place in Forbes’ ranking of top-earning authors, attacked the widespread incarceration of those who watch child porn.

    “We have prisons now filled with guys my age. Sixty-year-old white men in prison who’ve never harmed anybody, would never touch a child,” he told The Telegraph’s Peter Foster in an interview to promote his latest novel, Gray Mountain.


  45. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 7:38 pm

    Paar reacties op dat figuur die vind dat babyporno oke is

    have very much enjoyed reading his books. His statement is vulgar and disingenuous. Men that watch child porn pay for the production of child porn so they are paying for the lives of children to be perverted by the low lifes that produce and traffic in this material and probably in the children themselves being used as sex slaves, likely getting hooked on drugs, and whatever else these people do that is illegal, profoundly damaging and disgusting. There is not rational which can even come close to saying this is OK, no matter if it is the Pope saying it or an exceptional writer who probably is watching child porn and maybe engaging in other sexual activities with children.

    I have read my last Grisham book.

    Agreed, this was a disgusting statement that lost any sense of respect this one possessed for that author as an individual. Our budget would be better spent on new and upcoming writers than on the works of that twisted mind!

    Sure, John. That’s how they got into child porn. All by accident. Sheesh! Check this guy’s computer NOW.

    If this guy is a Democrat it’s alright………GOP, McConnell and Ryan.

    Check this guys hard drives

    Wow….just wow

    I thought you had to go into what they call the dark net or something and have to give your bank details. So ,you must be looking for it.

    By watching a grown individual have sex with a baby you are condoning the act which is just as sick in my opinion

    Just sick … POTUS please drain the swamp!


  46. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 7:41 pm

    BREAKING: Its A Military Coup

    A military coup is allegedly underway in Zimbabwe.

    From Zerohedge:

    Zimbabwe is on edge amid speculation that a military coup is in progress, with army tanks seen outside the capital a day after the army commander threatened to “step in” to calm political tensions over the president’s firing of his vice president. The Associated Press said it saw three tanks with several soldiers in a convoy on a road heading toward an army barracks just outside the capital, Harare, while Reuters reported that four tanks were seen heading toward the capital.

    The alleged coup takes place one day after Zimbabwe’s army chief demanded a “stop” to the purge in President Robert Mugabe’s ruling Zanu-PF, following the sacking of vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa


  47. yvonne

    november 14, 2017 at 7:43 pm

    Tesla has been hit with another lawsuit over the working environment at its Fremont, California assembly plant, this one alleging the factory is a “hotbed for racist behavior.”

    The electric carmaker, which bills itself as a progressive force for change in the auto industry, has been hit by several previous lawsuits, including one alleging sexual harassment and gender discrimination on the factory floor. The latest, brought as a class-action, claims African-American workers were targeted by racial slurs and that Tesla did not act in response to their complaints.


  48. yvonne

    november 15, 2017 at 2:51 am

    Former Joe Biden Secret Service Agent: We Had to Protect Women From Him, ‘Weinstein Level Stuff’

    Remember Jeff Sessions granddaughter & Bidden?, He put himself between her and Joe with the quickness.

    So much for Creepy Joe’s run in 2020. HaHaHa


  49. yvonne

    november 15, 2017 at 3:41 pm

    Nigel Farage unveils George Soros corruption with EU



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